Methods For Hemorrhoid Treatment Which Are Herbal

Even though there exist lots of types of hemorrhoid treatment, most often all natural homemade remedies work as well as or better than traditional treatment methods such as surgical treatment. If you have been trying to discover what all natural homemade remedies exist for hemorrhoids then Make sure youead through the rest of post. You are sure to get some ideas as to what is available to you.

Among the most widely recognized treatments for temporary relief of pain and itching is witch hazel. While you should not apply an anesthetic directly to the outside of the anus , witch hazel does provide sufficient numbness to the affected area while not causing harm. You can use witch hazel to create an elixer on your own or simply buy it as a cream from your local store.

The pain and itching of hemorrhoids can often be caused by bacteria and not really the hemorrhoids. The affected area is vulnerable to attack by bacteria and so could become infected. One very effective way to alleviate the pain and itching of hemorrhoids is what is called a sitz bath. Basically, just fill a basin with enough warm water to put your anus into. Add enough salt to almost saturation. In order to help disinfect the affected area be sure to to add an antiseptic such as isopropyl alcohol to the water. Make sure the water is as warm as you can reasonably endure it. This is going to supply immediate relief, particularly if bacteria is inflicting the problem. If you are able to repeat this process a few times per day for a few weeks it can completely get rid of most hemorrhoids.

2 things employed for treatment of hemorrhoids are Butcher's Broom and Horse Chestnut. These two are usually in a tea. They've both been utilized for generations. Thesethings are known for healing inadequate circulation and damaged arteries. Be certain to study Horse Chestnut though before utilizing it. Some individuals are allergic to it.